Construction site preparation is a key element in many different situations, and one category here involves any major equipment that will be brought to the site during the project. A great example here is a crane rental – how should you be preparing any construction site you’re involved in managing for the upcoming delivery of a crane rental?

At Wagstaff Crane Service, we’re here to help with this and numerous other parts of the crane rental process. We offer several crane rental options, including crawler cranes, boom trucks, self-erecting tower cranes and more, and we’ll assist you with any advanced preparations that need to be made before our equipment is brought to your jobsite. Here are some of the key prep areas that should be covered in these situations.

Finalizing Paperwork and Contracts

Well before any delivery of a crane rental, it’s important to make sure all contracts and paperwork are in order. This includes the rental agreement between you and our company, as well as any other forms that may be necessary for the project you’re working on.

Both parties should have ample time to review these documents and ensure everything is ready to go. As you’re looking through your paperwork, make sure you understand all of the safety regulations related to crane rental and usage – our team will be happy to answer any questions you have.

Furthermore, both parties need to sign these documents before any work begins. We also recommend requesting a completed copy of the paperwork for your records, as well as those of any other involved parties.

Creating a Plan and Budget

The next step involves mapping out the plan and budget for the crane rental project. This includes details like the job timeline, site plans, equipment requirements and fees associated with the rental. It’s also important to consider any contingencies that may arise – for instance, if the job runs longer than anticipated or incurs unexpected costs.

Finally, once you have everything in place, it’s time to make sure all involved parties are aware of their roles and responsibilities. Review with everyone what is expected from them during the crane rental process, and ensure that safety protocols are adhered to at all times.

Apply for and Obtain Permits

In some cases, this part of the process will actually begin earlier, before you even sign your rental agreement. Depending on the situation, you may need to have certain permits in place before any crane rental line can be delivered to your construction site. This could include local government permits or licenses, as well as certificates that prove insurance and safety compliance.

No matter when in the process you’re looking at permits, though, this is a very important step. Make sure you have all the necessary paperwork in order before any crane rental is delivered to your site.

Without proper permitting, your potential issues could range from fines to delays or even a dangerous working environment.

Ensuring Basic Site Access

Once you’ve dotted all the I’s and crossed all the T’s, it’s time to check that your construction site is ready for any crane rental. Make sure there are no obstacles in the way of our equipment, such as boulders or large trees, and confirm that access roads are wide enough for the delivery truck.

It’s also important to have an appropriate workspace for our crane rental operators. This should include a flat and level area for the equipment, as well as space for any necessary accessories like rigging or hoists.

Even Terrain

One specific part of site prep that deserves its own section is the need for an even terrain. All crane rentals come with a certain weight rating, and this could be affected if the ground isn’t level or is too soft. If your worksite isn’t fit for the equipment, then some additional prep work may need to be done before any delivery can take place.

For instance, it may be necessary to lay down a base layer of gravel or concrete to even out the surface. This would help ensure that our crane rental will be able to perform its job safely and efficiently.

Plan a Date

Once all of the above areas have been covered, or at least have been initiated, you can begin to coordinate a delivery date for your crane rental. When thinking about a specific date for delivery, consider the timeline of your overall construction project.

This could help you avoid any unnecessary rental costs or issues caused by the crane arriving too late to meet deadlines. We recommend discussing this date with all involved parties before signing a final agreement – that way, everyone can be certain they’re ready when the delivery day arrives.

For more here, or to learn about any of our crane rental products or services, speak to our experts at Wagstaff Crane Service today.